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Nurses in acute care units, emergency rooms, or Hospice situations shoulder a great burden. It is by their training and experience that they can do their job professionally but with care and empathy. The really good ones do this without missing a beat while balancing the job they have to do with the feelings they have for their patients. Their personal experiences – both with past patient's experiences and in their own life experiences – combine to make the good ones the very best at what they do.

Although it isn’t life or death, paralegals are the critical care nurses of your family law case. Like nurses, the good ones are good because of their professional and personal experiences. We, as paralegals, have seen clients go through the same things you may be going through, and in our personal lives, we have dealt with, endured, and gotten through similar situations with our families. Because of this, when we say that we understand and want to help you – we mean it!.

Every one of the paralegals at North Texas Family Lawyers has empathy as one of our strengths. (According to the Gallup Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment) This means that we understand and know the pain that you are going through in your case. We try every day to use our empathy strength to help you in dealing with not only the legal aspects of your divorce, modification, or other legal matter – but the emotional ones too. During a case, we, as paralegals, are going to have a lot more communication with you on a daily basis than the attorney in charge of your case. We want you to know that we welcome you reaching out to us about how you feel, venting the frustrations, and celebrating the small day-by-day victories that come about when going through a divorce or other family law matter.

We really do care. We really are here to help you. We really do want to make a difference for you.
