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Mother's Day

Mother’s Day can be a difficult time for many children due to many factors including divorce. As a result, many children don’t have the opportunity for what many consider a “traditional” Mother’s Day. I’d like to share some thoughts about the importance of this day from the perspective of both a son who has lost his mother and a practicing divorce lawyer for 25 years and how you as a divorced parent can make this holiday meaningful for you and your children:

  1. Keep Your Child’s Best Interest in Mind. Most parenting plans provide for a Mother to have their child for the Mother’s Day weekend. If your children’s mom is unable to spend the entire Mother’s Day weekend with the kids, help them spend at least some time with her or make sure they talk with their Mother on Mother’s Day. Dads should encourage the children to see their Mother and put any negative feelings aside so that the children can enjoy the holiday.
  2. Have a Plan for the Weekend. If you are blessed to be able to spend Mother’s Day weekend with your children, do it! Creating a tradition for your children on how to spend Mother’s Day weekend may last them a lifetime and become something they pass on to your grandchildren. Start a legacy for them.
  3. Make the Time Special. Mother’s Day, as well as Father’s Day, is not about the gifts. This is an excellent occasion to try to reinforce the importance Mothers play in a child’s life. Talk with your children and listen carefully. Encourage your child to express his or her feelings freely.

Remember that children who have strong, loving relationships with both their Mother and Father grow up the healthiest. This Mother’s Day, we should remember the words of Abraham Lincoln: “All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.” Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms!
