Multistate Custody and Support Litigation Attorneys in Lewisville
After a divorce, one of the divorcing parents is occasionally looking for a change. This change can include moving to a different state or country. The move could leave the other parent in a tough situation as they are afraid they might lose their child when the child is moving across state lines or borders. North Texas Family Lawyers is here to protect the rights of those parents who children are moved to a different state or country.
We know how to apply both international laws, like the Hague Convention, and Federal laws adopted by the states (including Texas), such as the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) or the Prevention of Parental Kidnapping Act (PPKA), to enforce custodial rights, visitation arrangements, and support obligations.
When a parent is out of state, resolving family law matters is complex and handling what seems like a simple problem can seem like an impossible goal. Our child support and child custody attorneys help parents protect their interests. We’ll use both Texas courts and other interstate resources to guide our clients to the most economical and just result, regardless of circumstances.
The client will also learn the options available to them to resolve their dispute without the costly trial and error attempts through their own actions or with attorneys inexperienced in this area of family law.
Our lawyers have helped clients:
- Enforce visitation rights when either the non-physical custodial parent or the child lives in another state or country
- Enforce child support or alimony when one spouse is out of state
- Assist in representing clients when another state is attempting to collect old and incorrect child/medical support
- Modify previous orders from the parties divorce or earlier modification proceedings where one or both parties no longer reside in Texas
- Defend against suits filed in other states for enforcement of possession or support orders
As parents are taking advantage of their opportunities to move out of state, it becomes increasingly important to use an attorney who can foresee potential issues and proactively deal with them during the divorce and post-divorce process. Cases involving relocation are often locally oriented and factually driven. Consulting or retaining a lawyer familiar with the judicial positions on relocation by the judges who regularly sit in a particular county can mean the difference between keeping, losing, or winning custody of your children.